My name is Cake, and I have some questions for the staff here on the forum/admins / Owner whatever.
I want to become staff is it possible for me to become staff here or do I need something special ( like donator or something ). Because I see the bright future in this forum and I want to become something here, so If I could get a good answer on how I can become staff and what requirements I need it would be cool if you could leave them down below here.
Have a good evening and see you...
I have a small question.
My name is Cake, and I have some questions for the staff here on the forum/admins / Owner whatever.
I want to become staff is it possible for me to become staff here or do I need something special ( like donator or something ). Because I see the bright future in this forum and I want to become something here, so If I could get a good answer on how I can become staff and what requirements I need it would be cool if you could leave them down below here.
Have a good evening and see you...
I have a small question.